Right out of the Kensington Island Properties handbook. KIP was losing support in Union Bay and the fake Union Bay Resident's association was crumbling. What did KIP do? Got their lawyer to obtain signatures from 100 companies in the Valley to support them - based on 'fluff''. The best move was when KIP had flunkies establish the KIP YES website for those in support to submit to the Regional District of the Comox Valley when they held hearings in Dec. 2009.
Anyone in the world could submit support. There were no restrictions on where the support came from. As you all know - this worked. Your government ensured the people of Union Bay would not make the decision regarding Kensington Island Properties.
2006 - KIP offered $17,400,000. - only water related
2011 - KIP agrees to $ 1,400,000. - only water related We have been told this is a win-win, we should be thankful, it's a huge gift to the community.................
Predators circle until they find a way in. Another predator has already made the path.
Look at the limited information those submitting this form are basing their decision about your future, your community, your health. Your government representatives are not looking out for your interests when they allow this abuse of public input.
What is to stop me from printing out a couple of thousand of these forms opposing this application? Who confirms any of the information submitted is from a real person?
If Mr. Thorburn receives thousands of forms opposing his tenure, will he submit those along with the supporters? Should those submitting forms make copies and then check to ensure their opposition was in fact forwarded and recorded?
Maybe that is the way to combat these ridiculous submissions disguised as 'proof of support'. Show how flawed the process is and stop it now. Maybe I'll submit one in opposition as Mary Thorburn and change all my relatives last names to Thorburn and submit one for each of them - dead or alive - who cares?
It deserves ridicule.
For more information visit: www.ificallitgreeniwillbeabletoberichliketheotherguys.com
or contact:
Mary Sea Angel, D. Eng.
AngelConsult Ltd.
Your Heavenly Connection,
General Delivery,
Bless you all for your support - I will not forget you when we meet again. Forever in your service and on 24 hr. call - special rate for supporters.
Hi ,
looking for your support for the Aquaculture Industry in our ocean area
off Denman Island. I’m applying for a DFO ocean tenure to raise sea
cucumbers. The application’s public input ends July 31st. Can
you kindly spend two minutes and fill out the form below, then return
email it back to me (you will not have to sign it) or scan & email
it back or just print/fill out/fax it to me at (250) 757 8874.
If all else fails, print/fill out/mail it to me. For a quick
turn-around, all it needs is your name and some yes’s or no’s. If you
have any other people in your office, organization or home that can fill
out the same form, please do so. I do need all the support I can get!
Sea Cucumber Aquaculture in Baynes Sound
Tenure Applications #1413722 & #1413764 – June 2012
Comments on Application Proposal
the Royston-Union Bay area, there presently are two tenure applications
for the culture of indigenous sea cucumbers under our government &
public review. These applications are for below low tide areas only
and will not require any surface floats, rafts, lines, and/or nettings.
Divers only will seed, observe and harvest these local sea cucumbers.
Proposed tenure areas will not change any residents’ viewing, boating,
swimming, beach walking or sport fishing activities.
Native sea cucumbers are sea floor dwellers. Biologists consider these
animals to be the vacuum cleaners or the worms of our oceans. More sea
cucumbers in the area will further clean/enhance our shoreline areas.
Baynes Sound is a nutrient-rich aquatic habitat that provides 50% of
BC’s farmed shellfish. Sea cucumbers will benefit existing oyster,
scallop and clam growers and will improve our local ecology and economy.
Below are a few questions for your review & participation in the application process:
Name (print):____________________________Signature:________________________
Do you support the sea cucumber aquaculture proposals? YES_________NO__________
Please list any aspects of these applications that you would like to see further addressed:
Do you live in the Baynes Sound area? Yes__________ No_____________
Do you work in the Baynes Sound area? Yes__________ No_____________
Optional Information Only
I would like you to contact me on the above comments.
Address: ____________________________________________________________
E-Mail: _____________________________________________________________
Phone: ______________________________________________________________
For more information visit: www.GreenOceanSeaCucumbers.com
or contact:
Bon Thorburn, P.Eng.
ThorConsult Ltd.
Water & Land Development Engineering Consultants
192 Crome Point Rd, Bowser, B.C. CANADA V0R 1G0
Phone/Fax: (250) 757-8874 BB Cell: (250) 951-6305
email: bon@thorconsult.ca
web: www.thorconsult.ca
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