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Taxpayers For Accountability in Governance April 21, 2011

Why was this posted April 21, 2011, right before the election?  Why wasn't it posted in January 2011?

Whoever 'moderator' is representing:  "Jan 19 outside UBID office protesting closure of board meetings."  I doubt very much 'moderator' was even present January 19.  Anyone want to come forward?  Not bloody likely - ask who owns/controls TAG and it's like turning on the light and watching the cockroaches run for cover.  They're running out of people to sacrifice in order to avoid scrutiny.  (I will post the incident regarding the individual who supposedly controlled the TAG website.  It's a good example of someone who stands up and speaks with authority on behalf of TAG.)

As one of the handful who dared show up in support of democracy, it was common knowledge TAG leaders refused to encourage any support for the protest.  As I have previously posted, nothing would be done by TAG until after the election.

One of the candidates had contacted the Ombudsperson Office and when contacted, the candidate decided not to pursue the complaint until after the election.  As far as I know, the complaint was never followed through.

Decisions based on an election.  Not on what is right.

If what went on was wrong, it is still wrong.  Time doesn't make it okay.  What's the statute of limitations on "wrong".

TAG owners/leaders need to come clean.  Having caucus meetings where decisions to mislead the public are conjured up and carried out at Board Meetings.

Don't forget there still is that little business about TAG being involved in the confidential negotiations with KIP and the Water Filtration agreement DURING negotiations.  PDF document provided to UBID with properties indicating it was composed by ............  Proof.  There was also a police report filed.  The allegations were also made public in the local papers by the previous Chair.

These things don't go away.  Time passes, that's all.  The deed was done - no changing it.

Where's the complaint procedure they promised below?

Taxpayers for Accountable Governance November 2010

Fat People Are Next


Then there is this:   http://www.edmontonsun.com/2012/08/09/stressed-men-prefer-big-ladies-study

Yes, everything will be right in the world when those groups are identified and dealt with.  Smokers, drinkers, eaters, elderly, homeless........  

Will you be next?

More Bad News

 Uncertain Times Ahead.  Good for renters.

With record home ownership levels in Canada and a cooling housing market, home prices in Canada can be expected to fall 10% over the next two to three years, a Bank of Nova Scotia report suggests.

Two demographics stand to lose out the most: Babyboomers, whose net worth is tied up in real estate, and young professionals in the condo market, Mr. Turner said.

He said Boomers looking to sell houses to downsize will face a stagnant market after already seeing their property values fall at least 10-15%.

“The boomers overall have the bulk of their net-worth in residential real estate. It is the most real estate-centric generation in history,” Mr. Turner said.

What If Sam Harris Is Right?

Jonathan Kay - Free Will

If I believe what Sam Harris is claiming I would have no right to criticize anyone.  I would have to accept them as they are because they really do not control their decisions/actions.  No one has free will.  We are the way we are.  What will be will be.

No good or bad.  No punishment.

Barbara Kay  the-cold-cramped-atheistic-world-of-sam-harris/

Just being ME:
