WARNING: I don't exist to meet your expectations
or justify what I care about.
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Impossible Task
WARNING: I don't exist to meet your expectations
or justify what I care about.
Not surprising.
Not surprising.
WARNING: I don't exist to meet your expectations.
TAG Political Party manipulating policies to provide a loop hole, making the policy worthless. OPEN HONEST ACCOUNTABLE
View on Youtube
Perfect example of too much power. Remember this is a Political Party. Their loyalty is to their leader, not you. They must obey their leader. So this Political Party has changed how policies are made and followed according to their leader. The Party leader has decided just in case something comes up that isn't already covered for closing a meeting, a majority vote will cover whatever it is.
How completely thick are you? That is the limit of your authority! You don't get to add anything! If something comes up that isn't covered - it's not within your authority!!! You can't do whatever you want just because you vote. Get it? Your authority to close the meeting is limited to what is already specified. What don't you get?
Upset Kensington Island Properties Supporter Or ?
WARNING: I don't exist to meet your expectations.
Upset Kensington Island Properties Supporter
By Sonny Day
Yesterday · I understand you are no longer a Union Bay landowner. If that is true then why you are still so concerned about what KIP is doing in Union Bay.
Only those who's property values will be affected by this development and water treatment should be concerned. As a tenant if you don't like what is happening in Union Bay you can just up and move.
Comments by you at UBID Board meetings and in this media are simply your personal opinions and do not reflect "concerns" of the majority of actual landowners in Union Bay.
Is this goof for real? This is a perfect example of the mentality encouraged here and it covers so many subjects. Particularly bristly about my question at the meeting regarding Mr. McMahon being a 'ghost'. Guess they prefer 'Saviour'.
More to come - where's spooky? :)
UPDATE JUNE 25, 2012:
The turd impersonating a human has surfaced again on The Cumberlander
This mental midget stated: I just made a simple comment about why you are still so concerned about KIP in Union Bay when you no longer are a land owner there.
Funny, I would have said "land owner here", since that's where I live. I don't think this piece of shit coward lives in Union Bay.
AND... it must be some dumb woman. Do men usually use OMG as a title? No.
Sonny Day before and after sex change.
Mama passed on her good looks.
Mama passed on her good looks.
How's that for a start? You can go and tell everyone what terrible things that heartless Mary Reynolds said about you and your dead mother.
Oh wait. No you can't - you don't exist asshole. Fishing for imaginary sympathy get's you just that - the sky is the limit - how about throwing in a disease you could make up and of course it would be terminal.
Here's an insult to the 'Sonny Day' posting on the Cumberlander - I'm glad your mother is dead. Maybe call your lawyer Sonny.
"Did you hear the awful things Mary Reynolds said about the imaginary person and their dead mother?"
You may as well have signed in as Zero.
Submissions made at the public hearing - supportive
Submissions made prior to the public hearing - supportive
UPDATE: June 27, 2012
I compiled this information in January 2010, after the Dec. 2009 KIP hearings, when I criticized the fact anyone could support KIP in order to push this development through, when it should have been left up to the landowners.
Where was spineless Sonny Day and buddies when I brought up this issue?
Couldn't possibly be a real KIP supporter as KIP VP and his lawyer got 100 companies to support the project with an ad in the local papers. Couldn't have been a member of the Fake Union Bay Residents' Association as they were getting support from outside Union Bay.
Sonny is too dumb to think of what took place before it decided to grow an imaginary spine.
You are not going to shut me up - get used to it. :)
Would you like me to forward your comments to Ruth McVeigh in Ottawa so she knows you want her to mind her own business?
How ridiculous and useless these public hearings are.
Red: Union Bay Resident.
Orange: More than one submission.
Yellow: Realtor – non resident.
Green: Businesses supporting KIP including those who have been hired by KIP. Specifically Focus and McElhanney Consulting.
The information is available to the public at the Comox Valley Regional District.
Neutral: one who does not side with any party in a war or dispute. Are these residents content with being labeled neutral?
Neutral submissions received at the hearing Dec. 7, 2009
- Bill Alcock Union Bay
- Anne Alcock Union Bay
- Gordon McLellan Union Bay
- Anonymous unknown
- Carol Molstad Union Bay
- Jack Stevens Union Bay
- Roy Storey Union Bay
- Joe Tarnowski Union Bay
- Gerry Sando Union Bay
- N. White Union Bay
- G. White Union Bay
- R. Dettman Union Bay
- T. Dettman Union Bay
- K. Hobby Union Bay
- Barbara Murphy Union Bay
- Cleve Goldswain Union Bay
- M. Goldswain Union Bay
- Leona Katovic Union Bay
- Alex Kinasewich Union Bay
- Kathleen Kinasewich Union Bay
- Dennis Burley Union Bay
- Patricia Burley Union Bay
- Colleen Leary Union Bay
- Ivy Reynolds Union Bay
- Rebecca Kenner Union Bay
- Ted Kenner Union Bay
- Kay Hilborn Union Bay
- W. Hamilton Union Bay
- Krata?? Union Bay?
- Joanne Tarnowski Union Bay
- Janet Morrison Union Bay
- Joe Tarnowski Union Bay
- Del Reynolds Union Bay
- S. Katovic Union Bay
- N. Morisseau Union Bay
- M. Reinarovic Union Bay
- Ken Beard Union Bay
- Jane Beard Union Bay
- Ron Wheatley Union Bay
- Esther Wheatley Union Bay
- Perry Johnson Union Bay
- Sandra Carruthers Union Bay
- Colleen Carruthers Union Bay
- Rex Obermann Union Bay
- Burton Egger Union Bay
- Delores Bullen Union Bay
- Brian Huddle Union Bay
- William Bullen Union Bay
Neutral Submissions Received prior to public hearing re: bylaws 56 and 57.
received and submitted by James Smith for consideration by the RD in
regards to Bylaws 56 and 57 at the hearing in Union Bay Dec. 7/09. Submissions made through the web server "Kensington YES"
- Dennis Haner Union Bay
Carol MolstadUnion Bay- Jack Minard ?
- Dave Molstad Union Bay
- Mike Bell Sierra Club Comox Valley
- Debbie Prowse ?
- James Smith Union Bay
G. WhiteUnion BayN. WhiteUnion Bay- Gary Clarke ?
- G. Hood Buckley Bay
- Danielle Bilodeau Union Bay
James SmithUnion Bay
- Janet Murphy Union Bay
- Vic Sytnick Holiday Rd
- Rachel Cowling Cumberland
- Richard Toller Buckley Bay rd.
- Roger Labrecque Spindrift Rd.
- Michael Sloan Nanaimo
- Mike Seymour Gladiola Ave. Victoria Committee Chair: Mike Seymour MSR Solutions Inc.
- Weyden Langille Courtenay
- Dave Smith email is dave.smith@focus.ca postal is Victoria
- Jim Malick SLR Consulting Vancouver @slrconsulting.com
- Wayne Schofield Wayne Schofield – Manager, Ketza Pacific Campbell River
- Lynne Blair Courtenay
- Alex Bates Campbell River email @mcelhanney.com
- Kerry Barth Comox
- Matthias Gottmann Comox
- Lynn Gottmann Administrative Supervisor with McElhanney Consulting Services
- Dan O'Brien Sapphire Group in Calgary? "Integrated water and wastewater solutions".
- Jackie Prescott Comox
- William Carr-Hilton email @mcelhanney.com
- Reg Kent Courtenay
- Christine Aidred Kilmarnock
- Dan Huras President Sapphire Group Calgary
- Julie Reynolds Fanny Bay
- Gary Smythe Buckley Bay Road
- Anne Bridgman - Calgary
- Rebecca Gorman Kilmarnock
- Brenda Scorah Courtenay
- Grant Atchison Dove Creek Rd
- Donna Lemmon Fanny Bay
- Jean Luc Charbonneau Courtenay.
- Len Landry Courtenay Realtor
- Randall Hawes Courtenay
- Chuck Tyler Comox
- Brad Mckay Courtenay
- Howie Siemens Inverness
- Ralph Foster Union Bay
- Richard Macintosh Courtenay
- Trisha Harris Courtenay
- Joanne Tarnowski Union Bay
- Clark Tarr Kilmarnock Dr.
- W/D Messer Spindrift Rd.
- Daryl Hitchcock Minto Rd.
- Bob Ash Comox
- Harold Kilgour Kilmarnock Dr.
- G. Elliott Courtenay
- James Timmins Courtenay
- Dave Odamura Comox Realtor
- Janice Wagemann Kilmarnock Dr.
- Donna Ogilvie Courtenay
- Bob Ell Kilmarnock Dr.
- Christopher Kelsall Victoria
- Dean Hills Union Bay
- Michelle Otterson Union Bay
- Gary Dane Union Bay
- Barb Clay Courtenay
- Lea Monas Cumberland Rd.
- Leanne Boyd Laurel Dr.
- Elizabeth Campbell Duke Mystery Beach Rd.
- Sherri-lee Mathers Arran Rd.
- Karen Little Union Bay
- Blayne Prowse Cumberland
- Dave MacSween Comox .
- Don Hughes Courtenay Realtor
- Gord Parnham Courtenay
- Courtnay Verbrugge Courtenay Realtor
- Karen Provost Courtenay Realtor
- Shirley McKay Union Bay
- Russ Boutilier Courtenay
- Howard Ellis Campbell River Rd.
- Tracy Ellis Campebll River Rd.
- Craig Bickle Courtenay
- James McBride Union Bay 2 submissions
- Kevin White Comox
- Douglas McRae Comox
- Mackenzie Gartside Comox
- Ian Bowie Courtenay
- Sharon Beristain Courtenay
- Guiliermo Beristain Courtenay
- Elaine Isfeld Courtenay
- Barbara Simonson Courtenay
- Richard Roberts Courtenay
- Dave Fontaine Courtenay
- Stuart Sands Courtenay Realtor
- Brian Vernon Courtenay
- Neil Woodrow Courtenay Realtor
- Donald Carlson Comox
- Neil Moreau Comox Realtor
- Rod Spink Comox Realtor
- Harry Nixon Kilmarnock Dr. I believe this is J. Smith FIL lives in Courtenay
- Lisa McKee Royston Realtor
- Aksel Porsild Courtenay
- Theon Isfeld Courtenay
- Marty Gates Comox Lake
- Nora Andrade Union Bay
- Monica McDermid Kilmarnock Dr.
- Lloyd Muckle Comox
- George Wagemann Kilmarnock Dr.
- Detlef Recktenwald Comox
- Scott Fraser Comox Realtor
- Ken & Gladys Schmidt Courtenay
- Gilles Guilbault Comox
- K. Collinge Courtenay
- Iris Peterson Courtenay
- Paul Deeton Courtenay
- Ernie Adamschek Courtenay
- Ian Sibbald Courtenay
- Shelley Gartside Courtenay
- Lyn Biart Comox
- Barbara Baker Comox
- Archie Harris Comox
- Linda Harris Comox
- Debbie Zigay Black Creek Realtor
- Dennis Dixon courtenay
- Barbara Metheral Courtenay
- David Brooker Comox
- Philip MacLaren Comox
- Ron Webber Courtenay
- Peter Dobbs Courtenay
- Marg Grant Washington Crescent
- Gordon Grant Washington Crescent
- Rob Silcox Comox
- Pamela Brodie Comox
- Jamie Edwards Lists Royal LePage address Realtor
- Michael Emerson Comox Realtor
- Barbara Magnusson Courtenay Realtor
- Brian Shaw Cumberland Realtor
- Mark Fleming Comox Realtor
- Rob Nygren Courtenay Realtor
- Rikk Buijs Union Bay
- Stephanie Buijs Union Bay
- Lorraine Webber Courtenay
- Don Sharpe Comox I believe this is the Director of Business Operation at Mount Washington
- Larry Epp Courtenay
- Susanne Bazett Courtenay
- Marianne Buijs Courtenay
- Michelle Forslund Courtenay
- Bonaventure Thorburn Bowser member bc onsite sewage association
- Lyle Brodie Comox
- Mike Oldale 2 submissions Courtenay Water Works Equipment & Supplies Manufacturers
- Ben-Zion Eni Courtenay
- Leanne Zdebiak Courtenay
- Randy Spicer Vivian Way Fanny Bay
- Dan Wilson Courtenay Owner Jackson & Associates Appraisers
- John Bazett Comox
- Nancy Embury Holiday Rd Fanny Bay
- John Embury Holiday Rd. Fanny Bay
- Sandy Grant Courtenay Employed by Bazett Land Surveying
- Catherine Keylock Courtenay Real Estate Developer
- Rick Jackson Royston President Island Pole and Piling Limited
- Lawrie McIntyre Comox
- Scott Harrison Courtenay
- Andrew Gower Courtenay
- Dave Bazett Courtenay Bazett Land Surveying
- Kevin Boily Courtenay
- Joan Deforest Mystery Beach Road
- Doris Zdebiak Comox
- Ed Gavigan Courtenay
- Paul Schaffhauser Courtenay
- Annemarie Pletscher 3010 Royston Rd Cumberland same address as Island Timber Frame.
- Stefan Pletscher Comox Island Timber Frame Ltd
- Kip Keylock Courtenay Real Estate Developer
- Judi Buschien 6563 Island Hwy
- Garry Dixon Courtenay
- Josh Elzinga Courtenay
- Linda Ritchie Courtenay
- Angus Wood Courtenay Realtor
- Ian Parsons Courtenay
- Joe Formosa Dove Creek Rd. West Edge Developments Corp.
- Stewart Graham Comox
- Catherine Wood Courtenay
Clark TarrKilmarnock- Joan Tarr Kilmarnock
- Leslie Hintz Courtenay
- Andrew Rice Rice Toyota Courtenay
- Mark Avery Courtenay
- Kelly Clausen Comox Slegg Lumber
- Dawn DeHaas Montrose Dr.
- Angeline Street Courtenay
- James Street Courtenay
- Alan Fletcher AFC Construction Courtenay
- Steven Yan Vancouver
- Karl and Lisa Simer Walker Rd.
- Michael Chenier Courtenay Realtor
- Robert Grant Mystery Beach Rd. Buckley Bay.
- Edda Grant Mystery Beach Rd. Buckley Bay.
- Terry Hebblethwaite Union Bay
- Russ Hebblethwaite Union Bay
- Bob Ogilvie Courtenay
- Brian Pickwick Walker Rd.,
- Laurie Pickwick Walker Rd.
- Linda Grant Courtenay
- Tricia St. Pierre Comox
Craig BickleCourtenay- Marie Gordon Comox
- Donald Gordon Comox
- Molly Parker Kilmarnock Dr.
- Barb Nixon Kilmarnock Dr.
- Rosalie Crofford Courtenay
- R.D. Forsayeth Garvin Rd.
- Dan Verdun Tappin St.
Linda RitchieCourtenay- Guillermo Mier Courtenay
- Ronald St. Pierre Courtenay
- Larry Harding Courtenay
- Bernie Poole Comox Realtor
- Greg Kennedy Merville
- Lynnel Kennedy Merville
- Karyn Ruel Comox
- Linda Meyers Comox
- Art Meyers Comox Realtor
- Gary Jeannotte Union Bay
- Mary Bowen Garvin Rd.
- Barry Bowen Garvin Rd.,
- Ray Silvey Bowser
- Mandy Prowse Courtenay
- Neil Havers Courtenay
- John Gray Courtenay
- Mark Zdebiak Courtenay
- Barry Sawatzky Garvin Rd.,
- Susan Hargreaves Union Bay
- Denise Jeffery Spence Rd.
- Les Whitford Langley BC
- Randy Willis Courtenay Realtor
- Jim Gordon Courtenay Realtor
- Chris Brulotte Comox Realtor
- Earl Costello Courtenay Realtor
- Rick Gibson Courtenay Realtor
- Phil Edgett Courtenay Realtor
- Mike Fisher Comox Realtor
- Maarjorie Rosie Courtenay
- Darcy Rainey Union Bay
- Melanie Trupp Monarch Dr. Union Bay
- Charmaine Britton Victoria
- Met Sparkes Courtenay
- Ellen Pawlina Courtenay
- Sigrid Lees Courtenay
- Lisa Banks Courtenay
- Mark Bond Courtenay
- Joan McCartney Courtenay
- Kim Jackson Comox Realtor
- Nelleke Young Union Bay
- Jim Palmer Union Bay
- Joost Juijs Union Bay
- Keitha Spink Comox Realtor
- Barb Robinson Courtenay Realtor
- Jackie Jeannotte Union Bay
- Joe Smith Union Bay
- Carol Smith Union Bay
- Elizabeth Nyhof Union Bay
- Gary O’Neill Union Bay
- Betty O’Neill Union Bay
- Melanie McCollum Union Bay
- Anjie deJersey Union Bay
- Alan deJersey Union Bay
- Nic Pisterzi Royston
- Nora Godfrey Union Bay
- David Godfrey Union Bay
- Blair Polischuk Union Bay
- Jasmen McLellan Courtenay Realtor
- Kurt Nielsen Courtenay Realtor
- Rosalia Resch Comox
- Birger Resch Comox Realtor
- Thomas Hart Courtenay Realtor
- Gregg Hart Courtenay Realtor
- Rod Spink Comox Realtor
- Danita Cox Comox Realtor
- Glenn Procter Comox Realtor
- Anna Jorgensen Comox Realtor
- Leif Jason Comox
- Dale McCartney Courtenay Realtor
- Robert Hammersley Courtenay
- Dianne Hammersley Courtenay Realtor
- James Morris Courtenay Realtor
- James Smith Union Bay
- Ruth McVeigh Ottawa
Submissions made at the public hearing - supportive
- Brian Knox Courtenay
- Melinda Knox Courtenay
- Barbara McDowell Union Bay
Keitha SpinkComoxAlan deJerseyUnion Bay- Rob Markoporlos 5625 – 1st St.
Mandy ProwseCourtenay- Marie Maltais Royston
- Brenda Worobey Union Bay
- Robert Worobey Union Bay
- Rachel Schneider Comox
- Bryon Billy sp? Comox
- Katherine Frank Comox
- Mark Acebiak Courtenay
Barbara NixonUnion BayJames SmithUnion Bay- Harry Nixon Courtenay
- Brenda Dane Union Bay
- Anonymous Courtenay
- Anonymous Courtenay
- Ron Frank Courtenay
- Ken Schmidt Courtenay
- M. Anderson 5632 6th Union Bay
- Jamie Mc sp? Kilmarnock Dr.
- Lidster Spence Rd.
- Lillian Kirkland Union Bay
- John M. Murphy Union Bay
- Cy Cottingham sp? Comox
- Rhonda Sampson Union Bay
- Rod Sprule sp? Unknown
- Joan Johnsen Union Bay
- Kerry Kirkland Union Bay
- Sandie Rudiger sp? Courtenay
- Anonymous unknown
- Richard Maltais Union Bay
- Caroline Rutledge Comox?
- Rob Rimmer Union Bay
James StreetCourtenay- Gail Buchanan Union Bay
- Don Buchanan Union Bay
- Bill Brandes Kingfisher Resort
- Charlie Vorchia sp? Union Bay
- Bruce Langlands Union Bay
- Rosemarie Saunders Union Bay
Robert GrantMystery Beach Rd.- Carl Brandes Kingfisher Resort
- Eugene Hushowy sp ? Union Bay
- Julie Whitman Union Bay
- Wayne Rideout Fanny Bay
- David Davidson Union Bay
- Eileen Davidson Union Bay
- Andy Mellis Union Bay
Lynne BlairCourtenay- Cindy Mellis Union Bay
- Jan Vandenbiggelaor sp? Union Bay
- Anonymous unknown
- Nancy Daniels Union Bay
- Donald Seller Union Bay
- Patricia Seller Union Bay
- Bryan Fisher Union Bay
- Scott Fraser unknown
- Thomas F. Daniels Union Bay
- Jim Peterson Buckley Bay Rd.
- Stuart Keenan 7072 Island Hwy
Darcy RaineyUnion Bay- John Edwards Union Bay
- Ritchie Quocksister Courtenay
- Melissa Quocksister Courtenay
Laurie PickwickUnion BayDean HillsUnion Bay- John Whitman Union Bay
- Tammi Ladret Union Bay
- Bill Taylor owner Fanny Bay Oysters
- Janette Glover Geidt Union Bay
Tammi LadretUnion BayJoe SmithUnion BayMelinda KnoxBand Manager- Jane Jensen Union Bay
Submissions made prior to the public hearing - supportive
- Dave Atkinson President Wacor Holdings
- Sandy Grant Bazett.com
- Dave Swaile Bazett Land Surveying
- Dave Bazett Bazett Land Surveying
Bill TaylorOwner Fanny Bay OystersJoe SmithUnion Bay- C. Coty Courtenay
Russ HebblethwaiteUnion BaySusan HargreavesUnion Bay- Gary Hargreaves Union Bay
- Tom Grant Comox
Jackie PrescottComoxRuth McVeighOttawa- Paul G. Main Union Bay
- Brian Main Union Bay landowner
- Ann Main Union Bay landowner
Barry BowenUnion BayMary BowenUnion BayTrisha HarrisArea B- Jim Timmins Courtenay
- Doreen Timmins Courtenay
Barry BowenUnion BayMary BowenUnion BayBlayne ProwseCumberlandDave DavidsonUnion BayEileen DavidsonUnion Bay- Peter Dobbs Courtenay
- Diana Dobbs Courtenay
Kip KeylockCourtenayrealtor- Cheryl Gagnon @peakdrilling.com
- Stan Doty Nova Track Excavating
- Sheila Doty Nova Track Excavating
- Linda Broster Union Bay
- George Broster Union Bay
- Michael Krugel Lawyer for Kensington Island Properties submitted ad KIP published showing businesses supporting the development.
- Dennis Haner Union Bay
- Ernie Anderson Union Bay
Margaret AndersonUnion BayRobert GrantMystery Beach Rd.Edda GrantMystery Beach Rd.Joan JohnsenUnion BayBarry BowenUnion BayBrenda DaneUnion BayRobert ForsayethUnion BayRobert GrantMystery Beach Rd.- Noreen Darling Union Bay
- Robert Darling Union Bay
Russ HebblethwaiteUnion Bay- Jack Stevens Union Bay
- Anne Trussler Fanny Bay
- Sherry Agar Garvin Rd.
- Robert Agar Garvin Rd.
- Ove Lagerquist Union Bay
- David Vranjes Union Bay
- James Chartrand Union Bay
- Regan Lea Union Bay
- James Lee Union Bay
- Dee McDonald Union Bay
- Warren McDonald Union Bay
- Louise Maltais Union Bay
- Bill Whyte Royston
- Lena Whyte Royston
G. BuchananUnion BayBarbara NixonUnion Bay