JASON GRATL IS MY LAWYER, and will accept service of any legal documents on my behalf.
All lawyers are not created equal. http://www.gratlpurtzki.com/
Gratl Purtzki
302-560 Beatty St.
Vancouver, BC V6B 2L3
Phone: 604 694 1919
Fax: 604 608 1919

I Want You To Know What Is Going On

In 2006 I became aware of concerns regarding our local government.  In an effort to get residents involved and aware, I distributed flyers titled Fairness In Our Community, part 1,2,3 and four.  Then in 2007 I created All Things Union Bay and posted my opinions, information, correspondence and evidence showing how our local government was operating.  My goal has always been to provide information I believe impacts the lives of everyone in Union Bay.
  • Information is Power.  
  • An informed Community is Powerful because they understand their rights, the issues, risks, benefits, and know their Government is answerable to the community.  
  • An informed Community dictates what is expected of those elected to run the Government.  
  • An informed Community does not base votes on whether a candidate is likeable - it's based on what that candidate will actually do for you and your community.
I want to help build an Informed Powerful Union Bay by using whatever media is available to distribute information we should all be aware of in our community.  That's what I've been trying to do as well as posting the videos of the UBID meetings for those who are unable to attend.  Information empowers all of us.

Running as an Independent, there is no 'other side' - the start of an undivided community.  I believe we all have the same rights - and I'm willing to fight for yours.

Click Here For Another Article Posted Today

Union Bay Improvement District Board of Trustees April 18, 2012

Another interesting meeting worth watching.  Announcements planned for AGM.

You will see I am still confused regarding TAG and the UBID Board.

Election Day

There is certainly a lot of talk about the election this Saturday.  It's good for people to discuss the issues and what they want for their community.  We all love Union Bay and care about the future of this beautiful piece of paradise. 

The decisions we make now regarding our water supply is forever.  There will be no turning back.  We can't be selfish only worrying about how decisions affect us while we're here. 

No one will be living here without water.  We must protect the source and understand the limitations.  We have been told the dam could be raised if necessary.  I have been advised raising the dam is not an option.  Now what?

We need a government that will freely provide information so all residents are aware and able to make informed decisions regarding our community.

I believe in open and accountable government - it's not just talk - I will be the one you can count on to include you - not exclude you.  I believe we are all equal.  I believe in, and am willing to defend Democracy.

NOTE:  I hope the rumor I heard is not true.  If any of the present Union Bay Improvement District Trustees are considering stepping down within the next few months, they should do so now and not force another byelection unnecessarily.  If this is the tactic the political party controlling the Board is considering in order to maintain control of the Board, then the community is being manipulated and our Democracy is nothing but a farce.  Time will tell.