JASON GRATL IS MY LAWYER, and will accept service of any legal documents on my behalf.
All lawyers are not created equal. http://www.gratlpurtzki.com/
Gratl Purtzki
302-560 Beatty St.
Vancouver, BC V6B 2L3
Phone: 604 694 1919
Fax: 604 608 1919

Who Owns Tag? Surprise!! I do!!

EDIT:  JUST KIDDING:  Looks like the fake TAG went the way of the fake UBRA.  No need for it either.  TAG was ruined by those who must have complete control.  It was a great watch dog group.

That's right.  Mary Reynolds owns the TAG website.  (I think I might own TAG, and all the members, but I have to check).  Why do you think all my pictures are on there?  If anyone else owned it, you would know.  It has been sitting unclaimed.  I'm claiming it.

Look at all the hits on my website.  Pretty impressive isn't it?  Compare it to the Union Bay Improvement District website at only Visitor - 20611 .  Who knew I could put up so little and have so many hits.  People coming back to the same pages over and over, pages never updated or changed - go figure.  

I'm going to be publishing and distributing the next issue of the TAG RAG and  I'm hoping some of you will contribute to this exciting revamped newsletter.

It's time to have some fun while we're wading through the political sludge.

I've been selfishly keeping these photos from the public.  After all, my motto with TAG has been openness, accountability, bullshitability, etc.   While assembling my TAG website I took hundreds of pictures for my candidates, and I will share them with you.  Lucky you.

Feel free to use any of these photos from my TAG album, and I will be adding more to the selection.  Photos For Mary Reynolds TAG 

Happy viewing.  -  Time's Up - You snooze, you lose.  Stay tuned - viewings will be scheduled.

May Santa, the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny, and all the others, bless your little hearts.

LIFE:  It's not about waiting for the storm to pass.  
It's about learning to dance in the rain.

Check Out The Cumberlander

An article I posted along with video on The Cumberlander has been responded to by Trustee Cleve Goldswain.  Check it out: 

I'm sure Cleve would be interested in what others think.  He's never had a problem answering questions and doesn't run away when faced with difficult ones.

TAG Sheeple. Do You Believe This?

 Okay Sheeple.  This is a test.  Let's see if you can get a few wheels churning and actually think.

And, a big thanks to Phil Round for covering Union Bay matters and doing a good job of getting the facts straight.  Phil could give the reporters at the Record a few tips on fair coverage.

The article by Phil Round in the Echo today is a wonderful example of manipulation. 
New improved, refresh the team, new chair, blah blah
I love this:

Molstad, who will remain a member of the five-person board, told the Echo it was a reorganization to refresh the team and would only add: "We needed a new chair."

Let's get this straight right off the top. 

This is a Political Party that doesn't tell anyone, including their members, what they are doing. 

  • Who calls the shots in a political party - could it be the leader?

  • Is the new Chair the New Leader of the TAG Political Party?

  • Who is the leader of the Political Party TAG?  The Political Party TAG runs the Union Bay Improvement District.  

  • Who is really the Chair of the Union Bay Improvement District?  Is it the named person or is it the Leader of the TAG Political Party?

  • Will the Leader of the TAG Political Party sit as an underling at Union Bay Improvement District Board Meetings?

The Leader of the Political Party TAG needed a new face as chair.  There has been no change other than the Administrator is leaving.  Everything is the way it has been since at least 2006 when I first started noticing 'odd' statements made by self proclaimed community spokespeople.  This one is smarter than the others - only difference.

'Fool the eye'.   Appearances, impressions, practice, control, total control.  Create an image.  Offer hope. Divert attention.  Control.  Eliminate information to doubters.  Control.  Diagnose/label detractors. Control.  Determine source of income of detractors.  Insatiable appetite for control.   

TAG is run exactly like the fake Union Bay Residents' Association, a private club.  TAG was smarter (hard not to be) as they didn't register as a Society so they can run their little group however they wish I guess.  

Just like the fake UBRA, the leader of TAG uses the same tactics.  Different class/income, that's all.

 Entire article here:   http://www2.canada.com/comoxvalleyecho/news/story.html?id=9381c4f9-9630-4f34-a5d9-47018ac8fa3b

TAG Policy Loop Hole Attempt Thwarted By Independent Thinker

The following video contains an excerpt from June and July Union Bay Improvement District monthly meetings dealing with closed meeting policy.  After discussion, a vote was taken.

When was the last time this board had any type of discussion in public?  Everything is rehearsed.

It is shocking this Board needs a 'just in case' clause.  Their limits are clearly defined - work within those limits.

This is the same group who complained about all the in camera meetings, secrecy, spending, etc. by the previous Board.  Why is Deep Bay a dirty word?  What is the difference from previous Boards?  Oh right - there is one (person) who isn't a clone.

TAG leaders have not delivered on their promises of openness and accountability.  The hunger/need for more authority.  Listen to the reasons, they don't think they have enough authority!!  

TAG switched Chairs because they know word is spreading faster and they are coming under scrutiny unable to hide behind the "Mission Accomplished" bravado that has worked up until this point.  You have told us.  Now show us.  What exactly have these TAG 'high road' folks being doing behind closed doors?

Why did Union Bay go to hell?
The opinion I have is something went very, very wrong when the employee who for years, was part time, without the technology of today, ran the district efficiently, resigned.  I have never met the individual, but have certainly heard her praises sung.  Every single person who has mentioned her name makes a point of stating what a good job she did, and comments how puzzling it is, the improvement district was unable to find an applicant with her qualifications and efficiency to fill the position.    and..........then, the predator,

Union Bay has not been asleep - it's been in a coma.  

An Elected Official Standing His Ground

because he takes the position seriously and has a strong sense of fairness.

Are the others asleep? 

TAG Steering Committee - Do You Share The Liability?


Remember when I got kicked out of the TAG meeting in Feb. 2012, because I wanted to know who owned/controlled TAG?  

Since then I requested TAG (sent to email which distributes TAG information) remove the photographs on their website which belong to me.  

A TAG Trustee informed me of the individuals who were now controlling the TAG website.

It has turned into something crazy and now appears to be headed to my lawyer to sort out on my behalf.

I'm not going to post at this time what has transpired until I get legal advice.

I do want TAG members to see the response I received from the individual who confirmed to me in writing, they were responsible for the TAG website.  This individual is listed as a steering committee member of TAG. 

TAG is open to discuss UBID issues and to increase its membership. Contact any Steering Committee member to join TAG, or to help out.

Bill Alcock 250-335-3340
Linda Cousins 250-335-1719
Theresa Johnson 250-335-3439
Eugene Hrushowy 250-898-1246
Ernest Kassian 250-335-1333
Dave Molstad 250-335-1733
Harry/Laila Crispens 250-335-3361
Ron/Esther Wheatley 250-335-2717
Sandra Carruthers 250-335-1683
Tom Dereniwski 250-335-1558
Gordon Hood 250-335-1651
Walter Johnsen 250-335- 2333
Janet/Gary Reschke 778-427-0023
Gerry Sando 250-335-2586
John Sorrenson 250-335-2998
SubjectRe: TAG website

DateSaturday, July 21, 2012 11:18 am

I do not own the website.  I do not know who owns it.  I agreed to be the contact person should anyone want to put something on the web.   

That is certainly a novel defense.  Wonder how that would work for simple folk like me?

By the way, this individual is upset with me because they agreed to accept responsibility for the content displayed on The TAG website, and freely accepted that responsibility from someone they didn't know. 

Mary Reynolds did not tell you to do this.  It is not my fault.

'I did not have sex with that woman'

Union Bay Fire Department Complaint - Not Gossip

A formal written complaint has been filed against a member of the Union Bay Fire Department.  This complaint is not going to be so easy to ignore.  No, it was not filed by me.

Has the individual been going around speaking about these matters which took place on a call out? Would that be considered a breach of their position?  Do the firemen/women and/or first responders freely chat about what they are involved in when they are responding to a call out?  Is this part of the local talk or are these matters considered confidential?

This is a volunteer Fire Department.  Over the years it has become a being with an appetite that cannot be satisfied.   The powers controlling the department decided they needed uniforms, which resulted (in my opinion) in those wearing them, believing they were professional firefighters.  

Suddenly, we have every fireman expecting to be treated as though they were present at 9/11, with the utmost respect because they have a fireman's uniform on.  Sorry, it doesn't work that way.

The fire department is a money pit the Board doesn't have a clue what to do with.  If this fire department members expect to be treated like professionals - then perform like professionals and get into shape and get rid of those of questionable proportions (or pregnant), too old, too stupid and too busy playing ball.  No names mentioned.  General observation.

A uniform does not mean squat.  These firemen/women are not professionals, don't act like professionals, and don't deserve to be treated like professionals.

The fire department appears to be the baby of the Administrator.  Over the years the fire department has taken on more responsibility costing the landowners of Union Bay a pretty penny.  The Administrator pushing for more power, spending over a hundred thousand on a first responder truck, wanting to increase the area of response, always looking to acquire more responsibility. This was nothing more than power building by an Administrator spending your money.

Are you going to be continually sucked in by the Union Bay Board claiming they are being open, honest, etc. and a hodge podge of locals in uniforms demanding more money, equipment because they claim they are professionals?

Just like Union Bay, it looks very pretty, but underneath................ohhhhhh

ps.  I know people are thinking "why is she saying that, they might not show up if she needs help".   Putting it in writing will make no difference - I know how these people feel about me and I know how unprofessional some of them are.  I am not relying on this fire department coming to my assistance if they know it is me.  And by the way, I am not the only one who believes this.  There are others who feel if it is their address - there will not be a prompt response.

See.... that's the difference between yokels and professionals.