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Too Bad - We're All Still Here
December 22. A great day as each day has more daylight. Certainly doesn't feel like the first day of Winter. That lovely rain is fine by me. The odd dusting of snow is fine now and then.
The Winter Solstice.
No more celebrating Xmas and all the bullshit that goes with it. Last year I gave 2 presents, one to my good buddy "Goldie" and one to my lawyer. Those are the last Xmas presents I will give. Got rid of the santas, lights, and Xmas shit.
If I want to give someone a gift, I will. Not because I'm expected to on a certain day of the year, but because I've noticed something I feel they would enjoy/need.
No guarantee we'll make it to Xmas!
I did buy around eight boxes of Russell Stover chocolates thinking I might give them - nope. Ate every one except for the big box that's about 2 ft long.
The Winter Solstice.
No more celebrating Xmas and all the bullshit that goes with it. Last year I gave 2 presents, one to my good buddy "Goldie" and one to my lawyer. Those are the last Xmas presents I will give. Got rid of the santas, lights, and Xmas shit.
If I want to give someone a gift, I will. Not because I'm expected to on a certain day of the year, but because I've noticed something I feel they would enjoy/need.
No guarantee we'll make it to Xmas!
I did buy around eight boxes of Russell Stover chocolates thinking I might give them - nope. Ate every one except for the big box that's about 2 ft long.
Freedom to Offend an Imaginary God
To Those Devout Believers
May you be visited by the HOLY SPIRIT
Last Words
If the world ends today (for humans), I'm good with it.
The people I care about know who they are.
The people I care about know who they are.
The rest - Fuck You.
How About a Gift of Honesty
"Honesty is a gift we can give to others. It is also a source of power and an engine of simplicity. Knowing that we will attempt to tell the truth, whatever the circumstances, leaves us with little to prepare for. We can simply be ourselves."
Sam Harris, Neuroscientist, Author.
We are creating a population of liars, unable to be themselves. We are dooming future generations. From the day you brought your little darling home, you have displayed your values, how you lie to people and discuss them in your home comfortably talking about what you really think of people. Show them it is perfectly fine to lie. They know you will lie for them to prevent facing consequences.
Since moving to the Comox Valley in 1994, I've crossed paths with quite the variety of liars. A different breed than I had been accustomed to.
In the 80's I worked for Legal Aid, the interviewers took 6 month rotations of the different facilities taking applications from those wishing to apply for Legal Aid. We were all advised of the rules within the facilities. Never, ever get talked into doing a favor for an inmate. Doesn't matter how harmless it appears. No notes, messages passed along, nothing brought in or given to an inmate. Seems like an easy rule to follow. You would be surprised how many people lose their jobs (with good reason) for violating this rule. They're not bad people - they get sucked in by inmates who would do anything to get what they want. That one little favor - you are done - they have you. How do you stop? What if the inmate tells?
Then right here in Union Bay, I've witnessed this technique being used successfully. I'll describe them as 'B' for bad and 'G' for good.
B & G are good friends. B wants information that G has, even though B has no right to the information as it is confidential, and B is basically just another person with no special standing. B works at breaking G down, somehow convincing G to provide the information.
It is discovered the information has been viewed, and saved by B on B's computer. Questions and accusations remain unanswered despite stories in the local papers. B & G don't want this matter to resurface, probably hard to talk your way out of that one. That would be fine except this involves the financial situation in Union Bay. I've got more to say on this one.
Why - why was it so important that B view the information? What possible reason could B give G for wanting to view it? What is so special about B that puts them above everyone else? What was the need for B to have the information and for what purpose? Did B do anything with the information?
Why - why was it so important that B view the information? What possible reason could B give G for wanting to view it? What is so special about B that puts them above everyone else? What was the need for B to have the information and for what purpose? Did B do anything with the information?
Maybe B tested G to assess the amount of control B has over G. Now G is someone's 'bitch'.
To G:
You have been sucked into a situation that is a black hole. Step back and reassess whether friendship, honesty and truth exists with those who want you to stick your neck out. B certainly has it down to a fine art - until B is challenged - then B brings back memories of those inmates scurrying away looking for another sucker.
There is no way to cover up what took place. Does B have you in a situation now you can't get out of without taking some heat? It's only going to get worse as one thing is piled on the other trying to conceal/hide the truth.
It's too bad people are afraid to ask questions in Union Bay. Honesty is not what this little place will be known for - it's going to be all the fuck ups by those whothink believe they know best and to hell with everyone else.
There is no way to cover up what took place. Does B have you in a situation now you can't get out of without taking some heat? It's only going to get worse as one thing is piled on the other trying to conceal/hide the truth.
It's too bad people are afraid to ask questions in Union Bay. Honesty is not what this little place will be known for - it's going to be all the fuck ups by those who
Missing Women - It's Not the Policies - It's the Attitude
The Police Forces need an attitude adjustment. They'll go through the motions trying to improve their images which is what I believe is their main concern. More whitewashing.
They just have to be more careful when they pass judgement on you and decide whether or not they're going to screw you around.
They just have to be more careful when they pass judgement on you and decide whether or not they're going to screw you around.
In My Opinion, The Police Pick and Choose Who to Help - email suggests gun, bomb in my mailbox
You can't count on the police to protect you because they really don't care. Their help is provided based on how they view you. They don't check on complaints or whether an individual is making up a story. Look at the police blotter and count how many times it states "responded", most are incidents "reported". The reported are then included in all the new files opened in the last year and then they can ask for more officers/money.
My lawyer suggested taking the following email to the police. What's the point? It originated from a former RCMP! I'd be laughed out of the station!
Everyone knows the cops cover for each other, in my opinion.
You don't really know what your 'friends' are doing secretly, do you? Fine upstanding citizens spewing secretly - bet they wouldn't say shit if they had a mouthful in public. Can't let anyone see the 'real' person.
By the way, I do not know this person, have never met her, only seen her picture in the papers. http://www.comoxvalleyrecord.com/sports/182429901.html Have no idea why this individual wants me dead, or why the writer states: "Will likely make you mad though." What did I do to her?
Original email edited due to complaint form Alan de Jersey - no problem - this is the section which causes concern.
By the way, I do not know this person, have never met her, only seen her picture in the papers. http://www.comoxvalleyrecord.com/sports/182429901.html Have no idea why this individual wants me dead, or why the writer states: "Will likely make you mad though." What did I do to her?
Original email edited due to complaint form Alan de Jersey - no problem - this is the section which causes concern.
From: "jonsson" <jonsson@telus.net>
Date: July 3, 2011 11:00:53 PM PDT
To: "Cumberland BC Cumberlander" <editor@thecumberlander.ca>
Subject: Re: Cumberland BC Cumberlander Article: Freedom of Speech Victory
I think what has to happen is you get together with all who have been XXXXXX by her and set a trap in her mail box that involves a gun, a bomb, and or chocolates laced with poison and when she opens her box it is self expelled. There has to be someone who can take her down. OMG
Sent: Sunday, July 03, 2011 10:15 pm
Subject: Cumberland BC Cumberlander Article: Freedom of Speech Victory
Hey Kj, check this out and then her blog site, lots of crap on it again now that she thinks she has "her freedom of speech back" Will likely make you mad though.
You have been sent this article from a friend (alandejersey@shaw.ca).
Most Parents Refuse to Acknowledge Flaws in Spawn.
Kay fails to mention those parents who refuse to see anything wrong with their little darlings. Fail to seek help - like some right here in good old Union Bay who would lie, cheat, steal to cover for their kids. Although, it might be the inbreeding.
Should have been aborted. In fact, I could name quite a few people here that should have been aborted. That's the problem now, any piece of shit survives with the technology.
Here is an individual dealing with it head on - would you be able to live like this? http://fullcomment.nationalpost.com/2012/12/16/jonathan-kay-there-are-other-adam-lanzas-out-there-just-ask-anarchist-soccer-mom-liza-long/
Should have been aborted. In fact, I could name quite a few people here that should have been aborted. That's the problem now, any piece of shit survives with the technology.
Here is an individual dealing with it head on - would you be able to live like this? http://fullcomment.nationalpost.com/2012/12/16/jonathan-kay-there-are-other-adam-lanzas-out-there-just-ask-anarchist-soccer-mom-liza-long/
We're All in Good Hands. No Need To Worry About Anything
If you believe this bullshit, then stop your crying when tragedy strikes. You're not to question his will or ask why - just accept it and shut up. It's his will people suffer, so go ahead and praise the being that you've been conditioned to believe in. Jesus, Santa, Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, Devil. Lie to your kids when they're young. Punish them when they lie. Teach them lies are perfectly okay and necessary when dealing with others. By the teens you will have it perfected. They will be prepared to go out and lie with a straight face and deceive to the best of their ability without a conscience. They will have a happy healthy future.
A job well done.
If you believe this bullshit, then stop your crying when tragedy strikes. You're not to question his will or ask why - just accept it and shut up. It's his will people suffer, so go ahead and praise the being that you've been conditioned to believe in. Jesus, Santa, Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, Devil. Lie to your kids when they're young. Punish them when they lie. Teach them lies are perfectly okay and necessary when dealing with others. By the teens you will have it perfected. They will be prepared to go out and lie with a straight face and deceive to the best of their ability without a conscience. They will have a happy healthy future.
A job well done.
Crafty Union Bay Elf
An unknown crafty elf has visited the "Face" area leaving a bag of Christmas cheer for our furry friends and a lovely decoration.
Very nice. Woof.
Does your local government know what a lie is?
"To lie is to intentionally mislead others when they expect honest communication."
Sam Harris, author "Lying"
for you morons
Sam Harris, author "Lying"
for you morons
Sonny Day
The truth comes out eventually. Makes you wonder about all those motions passed. Top on my list would be the Water Infrastructure Agreement with Kensington Island Properties. Reads like a comedy. So many individuals involved, elected and those hoping to be elected. Complaint filed with the RCMP after proof surfaced. Tsk tsk. Was everyone truthful? I think Rob Ford would simply love the sense of entitlement those elected in Union Bay possess.
And that’s the key point. There’s a lot of complicated legal matters that need to be settled here, not to mention some question of regulations and procedure. But one thing that is uncontested is the nature of the vote that Ford wrongly participated in — if the motion passed, Ford didn’t have to write a cheque for three grand. If it didn’t pass, he’d be out three grand. Can someone please explain how, in Ford’s mind, this constitutes “nothing to gain”? He had $3,150 to gain.
ps. Just my observations as I'm no longer a landowner and it's not my money being wasted by these "beings". Plus, it's funny to watch. Such a beautiful place populated by a bunch of fucking hillbillies.
Noticed you slithered in for a look. Ha ha ha ha ha - can you hear it?
. .
Developer values trails over golf courses
Union Bay should be so lucky........
"His bankers weren’t sure what to make of a developer who spends $110,000 spraying wildflower seed in the development’s forests or $1 million cutting 22 kilometres of trails throughout the parcel."
Developer values trails over golf courses in West Kootenay
August 27, 2012
“Wouldn’t Piss On Them If They Were on Fire”:
Missing Women report calls for financial compensation for victims' children
The Independent Counsel's recommendations were mostly aimed at police and Crown reform
August 22, 2012
Jason Gratl is representing Vancouver's Downtown Eastside at the Missing Women Commission of Inquiry.
Photograph by: Nick Procaylo, Postmedia News
, Postmedia News
TAG Member States "You Fooled Us"
One of the members of TAG, Taxpayers For
Accountability in Governance has posted a comment on The Cumberlander
regarding TAG/UBID.
This has been going on for quite a while, this is the first time I've seen one published. More will come forward.
Here's a link to posts regarding TAG:
Information regarding TAG before they pulled the plug on the website
Info on TAG from my old blog:
This has been going on for quite a while, this is the first time I've seen one published. More will come forward.
Here's a link to posts regarding TAG:
Information regarding TAG before they pulled the plug on the website
Info on TAG from my old blog:
Those good folks who campaigned, grandstanded, confident, educated, with a vision. Never bothered to tell anyone it was bullshit. Don't expect an apology. The oracle is never wrong.
Did you Put Your Faith in Taxpayers for Accountability in Governance?
Union Bay Improvement District Board Of Trustees Meeting
Another interesting meeting.
The new camcorder works great allowing me to really watch these people perform their act. Video is truly wonderful for meetings. We can all see what happened over and over. No rumor/gossip - right there for you to see if you're getting what was promised by those who campaigned, came to your door, welcomed questions, welcomed the public. Those good people asking you for support by electing them so they can volunteer their time to do what is best for your community. As proud of their accomplishments as Trustee as they are of raising wonderful children. Hmm.
Knowing everything has been rehearsed ahead of time, it's comical when the Chair asks "any discussion?" and one of them then gives a little speech about why they're in favor of something. Everything is prepared. We don't see any discussion about subjects because it's already been decided at the TAG caucus/dress rehearsal. Manipulation out of sight - secret. The very things these folks campaigned against.
Look at the body language. No more "Mission Accomplished". I requested the Trustees sit closer so I can fit them into the camera frame. No. They need room for their papers. Ya, you can see from the video they all required a lot of space. You know, this isn't Vancouver City Council. Stop playing the part and do the work.
No more supporters at the meetings just rows of empty chairs, spouse of one Trustee, 3 other landowners and little old me. Trustees avoiding eye contact with those who see through them. Just like the others. Fucking with our democracy, bending/ignoring personalizing policies/rules.
Another lane will have to be added to the Union Bay Walk of Shame.
No one knows if TAG still exists. Two TAG members were talking one asking what happened to the TAG website. Seems no TAG members have been advised what is going on. Well really we all know don't we, there really isn't a TAG, it's just 2 people? Just my opinion based on the information I have at this time and from past correspondence. 2 people who refused to give up control. They would rather kill TAG.
Doesn't seem to matter as these folks get together in secret and decide what will happen at the Board Meeting. No minutes, no accountability, no openness.
More info on his Holiness who will appear at the October UBID meeting. I was thinking about releasing some doves as He enters the building. Too much?
Question period at the end is very interesting.
Confirmed we were suckers.
Here's the video. http://youtu.be/dGMKCLHGreM
Union Bay Improvement District Administrator
Don't forget the monthly meeting of the Union Bay Improvement District (TAG) Trustees is 7 pm tonight.
Word has it the new Administrator starts today and will be attending the meeting tonight.
A big Welcome to the Snake Pit.
For those unable to attend, I will video the meeting and post it on Youtube.
Word has it the new Administrator starts today and will be attending the meeting tonight.
A big Welcome to the Snake Pit.
For those unable to attend, I will video the meeting and post it on Youtube.
Taxpayers For Accountability in Governance April 21, 2011
Whoever 'moderator' is representing: "Jan 19 outside UBID office protesting closure of board meetings." I doubt very much 'moderator' was even present January 19. Anyone want to come forward? Not bloody likely - ask who owns/controls TAG and it's like turning on the light and watching the cockroaches run for cover. They're running out of people to sacrifice in order to avoid scrutiny. (I will post the incident regarding the individual who supposedly controlled the TAG website. It's a good example of someone who stands up and speaks with authority on behalf of TAG.)
As one of the handful who dared show up in support of democracy, it was common knowledge TAG leaders refused to encourage any support for the protest. As I have previously posted, nothing would be done by TAG until after the election.
One of the candidates had contacted the Ombudsperson Office and when contacted, the candidate decided not to pursue the complaint until after the election. As far as I know, the complaint was never followed through.
Decisions based on an election. Not on what is right.
If what went on was wrong, it is still wrong. Time doesn't make it okay. What's the statute of limitations on "wrong".
TAG owners/leaders need to come clean. Having caucus meetings where decisions to mislead the public are conjured up and carried out at Board Meetings.
Don't forget there still is that little business about TAG being involved in the confidential negotiations with KIP and the Water Filtration agreement DURING negotiations. PDF document provided to UBID with properties indicating it was composed by ............ Proof. There was also a police report filed. The allegations were also made public in the local papers by the previous Chair.
These things don't go away. Time passes, that's all. The deed was done - no changing it.
Where's the complaint procedure they promised below?
Fat People Are Next
Then there is this: http://www.edmontonsun.com/2012/08/09/stressed-men-prefer-big-ladies-study
Yes, everything will be right in the world when those groups are identified and dealt with. Smokers, drinkers, eaters, elderly, homeless........
Then there is this: http://www.edmontonsun.com/2012/08/09/stressed-men-prefer-big-ladies-study
Yes, everything will be right in the world when those groups are identified and dealt with. Smokers, drinkers, eaters, elderly, homeless........
Will you be next?
More Bad News
Uncertain Times Ahead. Good for renters.
With record home ownership levels in Canada and a cooling housing market, home prices in Canada can be expected to fall 10% over the next two to three years, a Bank of Nova Scotia report suggests.
Two demographics stand to lose out the most: Babyboomers, whose net worth is tied up in real estate, and young professionals in the condo market, Mr. Turner said.
He said Boomers looking to sell houses to downsize will face a stagnant market after already seeing their property values fall at least 10-15%.
“The boomers overall have the bulk of their net-worth in residential real estate. It is the most real estate-centric generation in history,” Mr. Turner said.
What If Sam Harris Is Right?
Jonathan Kay - Free Will
If I believe what Sam Harris is claiming I would have no right to criticize anyone. I would have to accept them as they are because they really do not control their decisions/actions. No one has free will. We are the way we are. What will be will be.No good or bad. No punishment.
Barbara Kay the-cold-cramped-atheistic-world-of-sam-harris/
Just being ME:
Political Party TAG - What About You Members?
----- Original Message ----- | |
From | CD Molstad |
Date | Thu, 23 Dec 2010 10:22:26 -0800 |
To | Mary Reynolds |
Subject | Re: My Christmas Message To TAG Members |
Hi Mary:
Thanks for your message. We believe that it’s in our best interest to
keep TAG separate from current Board issues (aka Bruce and Cleve) so we will not
be distributing your message through our TAG email system. While we
understand your interest in rallying support for Bruce and Cleve, both are being
supported and offered whatever assistance they need by a number of TAG
members. Two parallel issues are at play, one is for TAG to get two people
elected; the other is for Bruce and Cleve is to resolve issues with the
Board. Both are important. However, we can’t jeopardize TAGs goal
for short term gain. Nothing will change until we are successful at
the polls. Feel assured that, Cleve and Bruce will have some
decisions to make in the near future regarding options and/or actions in
response to xxxxxxxxxx. In the meantime we need to hunker down and
let things play out. Things are in play.
We hope that you can take a break for a few days, enjoy Christmas No doubt,
the new year will bring a new round of challenges and potential landmines.
Remember “anger is best served cold”.
"We believe that it's in our best interest......"
- Who is the "we"?
- What about the best interest of the community?
- Was it a group decision or made by one or two people?
- Did the steering committee meet and decide to keep TAG separate from current Board issues?
- Wasn't TAG formed because of Board issues?
- Decisions were made based on an election. Forcing Union Bay electorate to suffer with a dysfunctional government leaving 2 TAG Trustees standing on their own under attack because of an election.
- The author willing to subject others but not a chance in hell they would ever put themselves in such an isolated position.
- The 2 Trustees wanted support. They (and their spouses) went through hell during that time while everyone sat on their asses.
- Would TAG have remained silent if the election had been 10 or 11 months away?
- Decisions and actions should be based on what is best for the community - NOT - on a political party leader's ego, timetable, or manipulating for personal preferences and grandstanding.
- Note the date: Dec. 23, 2010. Jan. 2011 the UBID illegally closed the public meetings to the public. Mar. 2011 the 2 Trustees are made aware of an agreement negotiated without their knowledge. The dysfunctional government was allowed to continue unchallenged by the so called watch dog group TAG. Look at the amount of damage Union Bay suffered during the months of Dec. 2010 through April 2011. TAG had encouraged members show support for the 2 TAG Trustees by attending meetings, asking questions.
- Dec. 2010 something happened and TAG completely withdrew any public support of their 2 Trustees. That 4 page supplemental composed and ready to go, rallying support for the 2 TAG Trustees. Detailing the situation and suggesting ways for members to take action by writing letters and even suggesting people phone the then Chair. It was a good one. Within days it was pulled and so was any public support for the 2 Trustees until the next election. Something happened.
- January 2011 a handful of supporters showed up for the UBID meeting but were not allowed in. TAG refused to offer public support. The 2 Trustees thanked us for showing up to support them when they entered the building.
- TAG would not step in for a "short term gain" because of an election "until we are successful at the polls". They refused to do the right thing because of their 'visions' of the future of Union Bay. Arrogance.
- "Revenge is a dish best served cold". Butchered the saying oh wise one.
What kind of Political Party is TAG?
Did members actually join the Political Party TAG?
The owners/leaders of TAG have basically operated a private club securing support in order to control the Union Bay Improvement District. In the last year, supporters have witnessed the same actions as previous boards.
Why did the leader of TAG decide not to distribute the Dec. 2010 TAG Rag draft advising TAG members of the actions being taken against 2 elected TAG Trustees?
My criticism is not that the leaders sat back and did nothing to help those they had encouraged the community to support by showing up at meetings, etc.
My criticism is that the leader of TAG composed the TAG Rag for December 2010, which consists of 4 full pages outlining the problems, suggests questions, encourages phoning the then Chair, etc. Of 4 pages, over 2 pages give details of what was happening and suggestions.
A reminder to CD Molstad (only identifiable name in charge of TAG). I deleted the document in Dec. 2010 from my computer as you requested at the time. However, I did print out a hard copy. The TAG Rag - December 2010 - Supplemental.
Why don't you explain why you decided not to distribute the information? Why did you intentionally let 2 individuals hang out to dry without support? Composed and ready to go - what happened? Why the change of heart? Why put the community through all that crap from Dec. 2010 through April 2011?
The voice of the community would have been heard if the information was provided openly, honestly, etc., by those claiming to possess those qualities. Holding themselves up as an example, all the while keeping any information to themselves for their own purposes - not in the best interest of the community.
talk's cheap - it takes money to buy whiskey.
The High Road - You should choke on those words.