JASON GRATL IS MY LAWYER, and will accept service of any legal documents on my behalf.
All lawyers are not created equal. http://www.gratlpurtzki.com/
Gratl Purtzki
302-560 Beatty St.
Vancouver, BC V6B 2L3
Phone: 604 694 1919
Fax: 604 608 1919

Who Owns Tag? Surprise!! I do!!

EDIT:  JUST KIDDING:  Looks like the fake TAG went the way of the fake UBRA.  No need for it either.  TAG was ruined by those who must have complete control.  It was a great watch dog group.

That's right.  Mary Reynolds owns the TAG website.  (I think I might own TAG, and all the members, but I have to check).  Why do you think all my pictures are on there?  If anyone else owned it, you would know.  It has been sitting unclaimed.  I'm claiming it.

Look at all the hits on my website.  Pretty impressive isn't it?  Compare it to the Union Bay Improvement District website at only Visitor - 20611 .  Who knew I could put up so little and have so many hits.  People coming back to the same pages over and over, pages never updated or changed - go figure.  

I'm going to be publishing and distributing the next issue of the TAG RAG and  I'm hoping some of you will contribute to this exciting revamped newsletter.

It's time to have some fun while we're wading through the political sludge.

I've been selfishly keeping these photos from the public.  After all, my motto with TAG has been openness, accountability, bullshitability, etc.   While assembling my TAG website I took hundreds of pictures for my candidates, and I will share them with you.  Lucky you.

Feel free to use any of these photos from my TAG album, and I will be adding more to the selection.  Photos For Mary Reynolds TAG 

Happy viewing.  -  Time's Up - You snooze, you lose.  Stay tuned - viewings will be scheduled.

May Santa, the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny, and all the others, bless your little hearts.

LIFE:  It's not about waiting for the storm to pass.  
It's about learning to dance in the rain.

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