I heard this from a person who heard this - clearly at this point - it is uncertain whether the 'details' are accurate. As an observer and Gadfly here in this little cesspool with such a beautiful facade, just wanted to give you a 'heads up' regarding the ongoing problems with your Fire Department.
Word has it that one of the firemen/women reported 4 of the other firemen/women for smoking dope. The 4 were supposedly berated about their skills should they be required to respond to a call out.
Have no idea what the Fire Chief has/is doing about it. Nothing mentioned at the Board meeting last Wednesday.
Quite timely considering I had just mentioned something similar here: http://allthingsunionbay.blogspot.ca/2012/07/general-questions-regarding-union-bay.html
JASON GRATL IS MY LAWYER, and will accept service of any legal documents on my behalf.
All lawyers are not created equal. http://www.gratlpurtzki.com/
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302-560 Beatty St.
Vancouver, BC V6B 2L3
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Special Privileges Bestowed on Relatives And TAG Supporters
Do you remember Gerry Sando asking questions at the April AGM and how he was treated by TAG/UBID controlled Board?
Regular, or insignificant individuals are kept strictly to the rules regarding question period at the end of the monthly meetings. You will utter few words before you are cut off by the Chair and challenged as to what your question is.
These rules are non existent when it comes to individuals favored by the TAG/UBID Chair, and the individuals are allowed to offer their experience and suggestions to the Board when the mood strikes them. There is never one word uttered to them demanding them to state what their question is!
The arrogance displayed by these supporters as they sit comfortably knowing they will have the floor unconditionally to put forth their agenda as though they speak for all, is disgusting. When they speak, they are not rushed, have all the time they need.
The belief that as long as they are informed, all is well. After all, it has been insinuated previously, the community wouldn't understand the very complicated issues regarding the water filtration, water transfer, etc. Therefore, there would be no need to attempt to inform the idiots (electorate).
I made the mistake of speaking to one of the chosen ones Wed. night about a discussion from the June meeting regarding people being confused with the subject of water and sewer. Silly me, I thought he might like the article from the newspaper where the subject was clearly mentioned.
I was quickly informed "that was last month and it has been cleared up". I hadn't realized you are not allowed to respond to a chosen one. I will not describe in a manner all would clearly understand, the arrogance of this individual who has such a high inflated sense of self importance.
I will set you straight right now. You were out of line and I will not tolerate you or anyone else thinking you can pull that crap on me. You acted like a hormonal teenage girl having a hissy fit unable to stand and speak civilly. Your entire neck and head as red as a beet and returning to advise me: "Look lady, if you can't add 2 plus 2..." and then off again looking like your head was going to explode. It should explode - you are a too full of yourself.
You hold yourself up as a professional and want people to respect you. You accused me of making statements. I asked you to show me where did I make those statements. You said "right here" and pointed to a paper in your hand, but then you ran off.
Add this one to the list of those only brave when they are with others or anonymous. Who raised you people?
You better choose your words very carefully when you speak of me. I am not about to have anyone accuse me of something and walk away - so be forewarned. I have no fear of launching a lawsuit (I have learned that is how things are handled in Union Bay) and have the lawyer on retainer who is well aware of the history of this community. You made an accusation against me - now prove it - show it. I am not afraid of challenging you. Do not confuse me with those you have dismissed andor insulted so easily in your life. I do not turn the other cheek.
All I can gather is that this 'hormonal form' is a loyal TAG supporter and upset with me for criticizing TAG. So now TAG supporters can bring their issues to the Board meetings, but no answers will be provided at these meetings about anything to do with TAG. As the Leader of TAG stated to me previously, I would have to speak to someone outside in the community, not at UBID. How fucking convenient is that? Talk about creating a monster.
Watch the videos - see for yourself - you don't have to believe me. http://www.youtube.com/user/UnionBayMatters/videos
Wanted to add something I have found to be quite the satisfying little habit. Attending meetings and listening to what is being stated, I like to fantasize how enjoyable it would be watching my fine fellow Union Bay residents answering questions posed by "My Choice". Like a surgeon. Any takers?
Regular, or insignificant individuals are kept strictly to the rules regarding question period at the end of the monthly meetings. You will utter few words before you are cut off by the Chair and challenged as to what your question is.
These rules are non existent when it comes to individuals favored by the TAG/UBID Chair, and the individuals are allowed to offer their experience and suggestions to the Board when the mood strikes them. There is never one word uttered to them demanding them to state what their question is!
The arrogance displayed by these supporters as they sit comfortably knowing they will have the floor unconditionally to put forth their agenda as though they speak for all, is disgusting. When they speak, they are not rushed, have all the time they need.
The belief that as long as they are informed, all is well. After all, it has been insinuated previously, the community wouldn't understand the very complicated issues regarding the water filtration, water transfer, etc. Therefore, there would be no need to attempt to inform the idiots (electorate).
I made the mistake of speaking to one of the chosen ones Wed. night about a discussion from the June meeting regarding people being confused with the subject of water and sewer. Silly me, I thought he might like the article from the newspaper where the subject was clearly mentioned.
I was quickly informed "that was last month and it has been cleared up". I hadn't realized you are not allowed to respond to a chosen one. I will not describe in a manner all would clearly understand, the arrogance of this individual who has such a high inflated sense of self importance.
I will set you straight right now. You were out of line and I will not tolerate you or anyone else thinking you can pull that crap on me. You acted like a hormonal teenage girl having a hissy fit unable to stand and speak civilly. Your entire neck and head as red as a beet and returning to advise me: "Look lady, if you can't add 2 plus 2..." and then off again looking like your head was going to explode. It should explode - you are a too full of yourself.
You hold yourself up as a professional and want people to respect you. You accused me of making statements. I asked you to show me where did I make those statements. You said "right here" and pointed to a paper in your hand, but then you ran off.
Add this one to the list of those only brave when they are with others or anonymous. Who raised you people?
You better choose your words very carefully when you speak of me. I am not about to have anyone accuse me of something and walk away - so be forewarned. I have no fear of launching a lawsuit (I have learned that is how things are handled in Union Bay) and have the lawyer on retainer who is well aware of the history of this community. You made an accusation against me - now prove it - show it. I am not afraid of challenging you. Do not confuse me with those you have dismissed andor insulted so easily in your life. I do not turn the other cheek.
All I can gather is that this 'hormonal form' is a loyal TAG supporter and upset with me for criticizing TAG. So now TAG supporters can bring their issues to the Board meetings, but no answers will be provided at these meetings about anything to do with TAG. As the Leader of TAG stated to me previously, I would have to speak to someone outside in the community, not at UBID. How fucking convenient is that? Talk about creating a monster.
Watch the videos - see for yourself - you don't have to believe me. http://www.youtube.com/user/UnionBayMatters/videos
Wanted to add something I have found to be quite the satisfying little habit. Attending meetings and listening to what is being stated, I like to fantasize how enjoyable it would be watching my fine fellow Union Bay residents answering questions posed by "My Choice". Like a surgeon. Any takers?
Sea Cucumber Proponents Using Kensington Island Properties Desperate Tactics For Approval
For those who pay attention to the tactics used by Kensington Island Properties and other developers, businesses, etc., that seek public approval, or get caught trying keep their plans secret, hoping no one will notice, have a look at this.
Right out of the Kensington Island Properties handbook. KIP was losing support in Union Bay and the fake Union Bay Resident's association was crumbling. What did KIP do? Got their lawyer to obtain signatures from 100 companies in the Valley to support them - based on 'fluff''. The best move was when KIP had flunkies establish the KIP YES website for those in support to submit to the Regional District of the Comox Valley when they held hearings in Dec. 2009.
Anyone in the world could submit support. There were no restrictions on where the support came from. As you all know - this worked. Your government ensured the people of Union Bay would not make the decision regarding Kensington Island Properties.
2006 - KIP offered $17,400,000. - only water related
2011 - KIP agrees to $ 1,400,000. - only water related We have been told this is a win-win, we should be thankful, it's a huge gift to the community.................
Predators circle until they find a way in. Another predator has already made the path.
Look at the limited information those submitting this form are basing their decision about your future, your community, your health. Your government representatives are not looking out for your interests when they allow this abuse of public input.
What is to stop me from printing out a couple of thousand of these forms opposing this application? Who confirms any of the information submitted is from a real person?
If Mr. Thorburn receives thousands of forms opposing his tenure, will he submit those along with the supporters? Should those submitting forms make copies and then check to ensure their opposition was in fact forwarded and recorded?
Maybe that is the way to combat these ridiculous submissions disguised as 'proof of support'. Show how flawed the process is and stop it now. Maybe I'll submit one in opposition as Mary Thorburn and change all my relatives last names to Thorburn and submit one for each of them - dead or alive - who cares?
It deserves ridicule.
Bless you all for your support - I will not forget you when we meet again. Forever in your service and on 24 hr. call - special rate for supporters.
Right out of the Kensington Island Properties handbook. KIP was losing support in Union Bay and the fake Union Bay Resident's association was crumbling. What did KIP do? Got their lawyer to obtain signatures from 100 companies in the Valley to support them - based on 'fluff''. The best move was when KIP had flunkies establish the KIP YES website for those in support to submit to the Regional District of the Comox Valley when they held hearings in Dec. 2009.
Anyone in the world could submit support. There were no restrictions on where the support came from. As you all know - this worked. Your government ensured the people of Union Bay would not make the decision regarding Kensington Island Properties.
2006 - KIP offered $17,400,000. - only water related
2011 - KIP agrees to $ 1,400,000. - only water related We have been told this is a win-win, we should be thankful, it's a huge gift to the community.................
Predators circle until they find a way in. Another predator has already made the path.
Look at the limited information those submitting this form are basing their decision about your future, your community, your health. Your government representatives are not looking out for your interests when they allow this abuse of public input.
What is to stop me from printing out a couple of thousand of these forms opposing this application? Who confirms any of the information submitted is from a real person?
If Mr. Thorburn receives thousands of forms opposing his tenure, will he submit those along with the supporters? Should those submitting forms make copies and then check to ensure their opposition was in fact forwarded and recorded?
Maybe that is the way to combat these ridiculous submissions disguised as 'proof of support'. Show how flawed the process is and stop it now. Maybe I'll submit one in opposition as Mary Thorburn and change all my relatives last names to Thorburn and submit one for each of them - dead or alive - who cares?
It deserves ridicule.
For more information visit: www.ificallitgreeniwillbeabletoberichliketheotherguys.com
or contact:
Mary Sea Angel, D. Eng.
AngelConsult Ltd.
Your Heavenly Connection,
General Delivery,
Bless you all for your support - I will not forget you when we meet again. Forever in your service and on 24 hr. call - special rate for supporters.
Hi ,
looking for your support for the Aquaculture Industry in our ocean area
off Denman Island. I’m applying for a DFO ocean tenure to raise sea
cucumbers. The application’s public input ends July 31st. Can
you kindly spend two minutes and fill out the form below, then return
email it back to me (you will not have to sign it) or scan & email
it back or just print/fill out/fax it to me at (250) 757 8874.
If all else fails, print/fill out/mail it to me. For a quick
turn-around, all it needs is your name and some yes’s or no’s. If you
have any other people in your office, organization or home that can fill
out the same form, please do so. I do need all the support I can get!
Sea Cucumber Aquaculture in Baynes Sound
Tenure Applications #1413722 & #1413764 – June 2012
Comments on Application Proposal
the Royston-Union Bay area, there presently are two tenure applications
for the culture of indigenous sea cucumbers under our government &
public review. These applications are for below low tide areas only
and will not require any surface floats, rafts, lines, and/or nettings.
Divers only will seed, observe and harvest these local sea cucumbers.
Proposed tenure areas will not change any residents’ viewing, boating,
swimming, beach walking or sport fishing activities.
Native sea cucumbers are sea floor dwellers. Biologists consider these
animals to be the vacuum cleaners or the worms of our oceans. More sea
cucumbers in the area will further clean/enhance our shoreline areas.
Baynes Sound is a nutrient-rich aquatic habitat that provides 50% of
BC’s farmed shellfish. Sea cucumbers will benefit existing oyster,
scallop and clam growers and will improve our local ecology and economy.
Below are a few questions for your review & participation in the application process:
Name (print):____________________________Signature:________________________
Do you support the sea cucumber aquaculture proposals? YES_________NO__________
Please list any aspects of these applications that you would like to see further addressed:
Do you live in the Baynes Sound area? Yes__________ No_____________
Do you work in the Baynes Sound area? Yes__________ No_____________
Optional Information Only
I would like you to contact me on the above comments.
Address: ____________________________________________________________
E-Mail: _____________________________________________________________
Phone: ______________________________________________________________
For more information visit: www.GreenOceanSeaCucumbers.com
or contact:
Bon Thorburn, P.Eng.
ThorConsult Ltd.
Water & Land Development Engineering Consultants
192 Crome Point Rd, Bowser, B.C. CANADA V0R 1G0
Phone/Fax: (250) 757-8874 BB Cell: (250) 951-6305
email: bon@thorconsult.ca
web: www.thorconsult.ca
What Happens When You Believe What You Are Told
The goal is to make you believe.
Where profits are concerned - be very careful. The best you can hope for, if you`re still alive years later is monetary compensation, maybe an apology. You will be fought as the article below states.
Anyone wanting to screw with food sources and nature on a grand scale in the quest for the almighty buck is going to try and convince you what they are planning is beneficial and you should be thankful.
I've recently heard the word 'angel' used by a business person promoting their product/plans.
You want to conduct an experiment here, had the opportunity to address the public, answer questions and concerns, sent letters to the editor, replied on blogs, and created a website. You have provided a good snapshot of your proposal and your attitude and concerns for those where this grand scale experiment is to be conducted.
In my opinion, that snapshot is unacceptable. The snapshot is arrogance. I don`t believe you. I have no reason to believe you.
Discredit/belittle those who ask questions and make us believe they are to be trusted. Their public spin:
The bottom line answer is that this project is an environmentally beneficial, well thought out, innovative aquaculture concept, with a scientific base that is absolutely in the public interest. Perhaps if we had more such businesses like this in the Comox Valley there would be less need for projects like Raven Coal.
The research and development of this new aquaculture industry concept has already started in the hatchery environment as well as at the Deep Bay shellfish research centre. The science will be done first before we embark to the commercial level. Support sea cucumber ranching.
You want to conduct an experiment here, had the opportunity to address the public, answer questions and concerns, sent letters to the editor, replied on blogs, and created a website. You have provided a good snapshot of your proposal and your attitude and concerns for those where this grand scale experiment is to be conducted.
In my opinion, that snapshot is unacceptable. The snapshot is arrogance. I don`t believe you. I have no reason to believe you.
Discredit/belittle those who ask questions and make us believe they are to be trusted. Their public spin:
The bottom line answer is that this project is an environmentally beneficial, well thought out, innovative aquaculture concept, with a scientific base that is absolutely in the public interest. Perhaps if we had more such businesses like this in the Comox Valley there would be less need for projects like Raven Coal.
The research and development of this new aquaculture industry concept has already started in the hatchery environment as well as at the Deep Bay shellfish research centre. The science will be done first before we embark to the commercial level. Support sea cucumber ranching.
A wonder drug, a wonder slug. Humans should not be your guinea pigs.
What possible reason is there to believe what we are being told? None.
There is no reason to believe in a large scale experiment. It's an experiment.
Where did this ass backwards attitude come from that expects you to be thankful to those wishing to conduct grand scale experiments right where you live?
Why are experiments being touted with the same public relations strategies as products which have undergone these stages before the public is exposed?
http://news.smh.com.au/breaking-news-national/thalidomide-case-reaches-settlement-20120718-22996.htmlWhat possible reason is there to believe what we are being told? None.
There is no reason to believe in a large scale experiment. It's an experiment.
Where did this ass backwards attitude come from that expects you to be thankful to those wishing to conduct grand scale experiments right where you live?
Why are experiments being touted with the same public relations strategies as products which have undergone these stages before the public is exposed?
"Grunenthal maintains that its actions were consistent with the state of scientific knowledge and the prevailing standards for pre-marketing and testing of the pharmaceutical industry in the 1950s," the company said in a statement after the settlement was announced to the Victorian Supreme Court.
"Grunenthal will continue to fully defend any litigation brought against it."
The drug company said it believed it acted responsibly in the development of thalidomide and "greatly regrets the consequences of the thalidomide tragedy".
Union Bay Improvement District/TAG Political Party Meeting
Another interesting meeting July 18, 2012. Since I'm no longer a landowner, the concern for money invested in property here no longer exists. Now, I can sit and observe while documenting what is being said and done by those you folks elected to handle your investment in property in Union Bay.
When you all realize what has been done, there will be a record of exactly what transpired and who was responsible for those actions. It will be too late then, but at least there will be a permanent record.
Anyone buying property in Union Bay is buying into a huge debt, never mind about the costs ahead with aging infrastructure and expecting landowners to foot the bill for a new fire department and probably another fire truck.
When did the landowners of Union Bay receive accurate information from their government explaining exactly what Union Bay was receiving from Kensington Island Properties? Why not?
How things have changed in the last 5 months. At the TAG meeting in Feb. 2012, TAG was pulling a George Bush with "Mission Accomplished"
puffing up their chests telling all how proud they were of what they had done for their community. One compared the pride of what they have done for the community with the pride they have from raising wonderful children.
Really, if you pat idiots on the head long enough and tell them how wonderful they are - they will believe it.
With the exception above, most of these people are intelligent, well educated people. That is no guarantee they possess common sense. We have all met highly intelligent people who are complete idiots when it comes to common sense. Just because someone is intelligent and/or well educated does not mean they are more honest, fair, trustworthy, etc. Chances are, those highly intelligent people know how to screw you without you knowing it.
The landowner (who apparently is worried about showing up on my blog) who chaired the TAG Political Party meeting in Feb. 2012, and asked me to leave because I questioned who controlled and owned TAG, stated the community must never let this corruption happen again. They didn't state what the corruption was. Pretty hard to prevent something if you don't have the courage to state what corruption they are referring to.
It's quite the mixture in what's left of the TAG steering committee. Don't be fooled by the names and numbers published on the TAG website. Phone some of those people - they upset the Oracle who demands absolute loyalty and must never be questioned. If you can't be used/controlled - you are out of the loop.
The Chair has stepped down. My opinion would be that the glory is starting to fade and it's time to let someone take the position so it appears all went to hell when the wonderful Chair stepped down and "whoever" takes the blame for the collapse. Why did this Chair insist on continuing when their year was up in April 2012, and now can't complete their term?
When asked by a member of the public if the community can afford to pay $20,000. more for an administrator - up to $75,000. a year, the Chair responded they were already paying $61,000. to the present Admin. NO - the Admin corrected the Chair. Admin receives $54,000. Chair didn't know the salary, but somehow figured they'd pay more???????
Compare previous meetings. The tone and body language has changed completely. Challenging questions from former strong supporters causing 'the deer in the headlight' being captured. Meetings are smooth because they are rehearsed at caucus meetings of TAG prior to monthly Board meetings. Everything goes to hell when the script is not followed or someone defects and has an independent thought as displayed when the new policy of 'closed meetings' was up for discussion.
These actions, by individuals who think for themselves, change the course of governments and protect those they serve - you.
If the lone Trustee had not brought up this policy change at the June 2012 Board meeting, no one would have even been aware of this clause. When the Chair read out the changes - the objectionable clause was not made public until the lone Trustee questioned it. This policy which gave this and any future Board the loophole for corruption - would have passed by a majority. Out of five TAG members, only one wanted you to know.
Ron Wheatley saved this community at least 2 Million dollars. He went door to door getting signatures which prevented the government of Union Bay from borrowing 2 Million dollars to build a Fire Hall to invest in a property that can't be sold because of the bungled purchase of the school property. 2 Million on top of the $700,000. for a property that is nothing more than an endless moneypit.
A Political Party running your government discourages independent thought. Questions are interpreted as being disloyal.
Union Bay Improvement/TAG Political Party Meeting July 18, 2012
When you all realize what has been done, there will be a record of exactly what transpired and who was responsible for those actions. It will be too late then, but at least there will be a permanent record.
Anyone buying property in Union Bay is buying into a huge debt, never mind about the costs ahead with aging infrastructure and expecting landowners to foot the bill for a new fire department and probably another fire truck.
When did the landowners of Union Bay receive accurate information from their government explaining exactly what Union Bay was receiving from Kensington Island Properties? Why not?
How things have changed in the last 5 months. At the TAG meeting in Feb. 2012, TAG was pulling a George Bush with "Mission Accomplished"

Really, if you pat idiots on the head long enough and tell them how wonderful they are - they will believe it.
With the exception above, most of these people are intelligent, well educated people. That is no guarantee they possess common sense. We have all met highly intelligent people who are complete idiots when it comes to common sense. Just because someone is intelligent and/or well educated does not mean they are more honest, fair, trustworthy, etc. Chances are, those highly intelligent people know how to screw you without you knowing it.
The landowner (who apparently is worried about showing up on my blog) who chaired the TAG Political Party meeting in Feb. 2012, and asked me to leave because I questioned who controlled and owned TAG, stated the community must never let this corruption happen again. They didn't state what the corruption was. Pretty hard to prevent something if you don't have the courage to state what corruption they are referring to.
It's quite the mixture in what's left of the TAG steering committee. Don't be fooled by the names and numbers published on the TAG website. Phone some of those people - they upset the Oracle who demands absolute loyalty and must never be questioned. If you can't be used/controlled - you are out of the loop.
The Chair has stepped down. My opinion would be that the glory is starting to fade and it's time to let someone take the position so it appears all went to hell when the wonderful Chair stepped down and "whoever" takes the blame for the collapse. Why did this Chair insist on continuing when their year was up in April 2012, and now can't complete their term?
When asked by a member of the public if the community can afford to pay $20,000. more for an administrator - up to $75,000. a year, the Chair responded they were already paying $61,000. to the present Admin. NO - the Admin corrected the Chair. Admin receives $54,000. Chair didn't know the salary, but somehow figured they'd pay more???????
Compare previous meetings. The tone and body language has changed completely. Challenging questions from former strong supporters causing 'the deer in the headlight' being captured. Meetings are smooth because they are rehearsed at caucus meetings of TAG prior to monthly Board meetings. Everything goes to hell when the script is not followed or someone defects and has an independent thought as displayed when the new policy of 'closed meetings' was up for discussion.
These actions, by individuals who think for themselves, change the course of governments and protect those they serve - you.
If the lone Trustee had not brought up this policy change at the June 2012 Board meeting, no one would have even been aware of this clause. When the Chair read out the changes - the objectionable clause was not made public until the lone Trustee questioned it. This policy which gave this and any future Board the loophole for corruption - would have passed by a majority. Out of five TAG members, only one wanted you to know.
Ron Wheatley saved this community at least 2 Million dollars. He went door to door getting signatures which prevented the government of Union Bay from borrowing 2 Million dollars to build a Fire Hall to invest in a property that can't be sold because of the bungled purchase of the school property. 2 Million on top of the $700,000. for a property that is nothing more than an endless moneypit.
A Political Party running your government discourages independent thought. Questions are interpreted as being disloyal.
Union Bay Improvement/TAG Political Party Meeting July 18, 2012
Taxpayers for Accountable Governance

This is a political party - not an informal group of taxpayers. A political party controlled by 2 people - in my humble OPINION.
By the way, did I give TAG (the political party) written permission to use my photographs on the TAG political party website controlled by a relative of the 2 people controlling the political party? I would never allow a political party to use my images.
If you are unable to provide written proof - please remove my images from your political party website.
Power corrupts.
Union Bay residents start new 'watchdog' organization
Comox Valley Echo
Friday, December 11, 2009
At a recent meeting of Union Bay citizens, there was agreement to move into a longer term and action oriented process to hold Union Bay Improvement District (UBID) accountable for transparency in its decision making.
The Taxpayers for Accountable Governance (TAG) will give voice to concerns of Union Bay landowners and residents - they want to be heard.
"We were encouraged by the number of people that came out to the meeting and gave a resounding "yes" to moving forward", said spokesperson Joe Lidster. "Union Bay is facing major decisions over the next few years as it addresses infrastructure needs and incorporates new developments. The community must have an active role in addressing those issues."
Participants agreed that Union Bay needs an open Improvement District that can be held accountable by the taxpayers.
"So far we've focused on giving the community a voice", said Lidster. "Now we need to put that voice to work and get some results".
TAG will be an informal network of Union Bay taxpayers with the purpose of ensuring openness and accountability from its elected officials. TAG wants effective control exercised over taxes and costs - an effective and efficient management of the UBID.
TAG will be attending UBID meetings, asking questions of our elected officials, seeking detailed information about the costs of water, fire protection and street lighting. TAG will continue to hold our elected officials accountable for their governance practices and we look forward to the April Annual General Meeting.
For community members, who wish to know more or to join TAG, call any one of the following:
Anne Alcock 250-335-3340
Cleve Goldswain 250-335-0972
Joe Lidster 250-335-2391
Bruce Livesey 250-335-1876
Dave Molstad 250-335-1733
Gerry Sando 250-335-2586
Bunny Shannon 250-335-2003
John Sorrenson 250-335-2998
Ron Wheatley 250-335-2717
© Comox Valley Echo 2009
Is Union Bay Populated by Math Challenged Individuals?
How could the population of one community have such a large percentage of suckers?
Where else would a developer offer this:
Development cost of water from Langley Lake are:Water supply $ 4,900,000.00
Water Treatment 8,400,000.00
Concrete Reservoir 4,100,000.00
T o t a l $17,400,000.00
Seventeen M i l l i o n
After what the developer called a 'tough negotiator' at the AGM in April 2011. The community was delighted to get this:
Water Treatment $ 1,400,000.00 (not $ 8,400,000?)
$16,000,000.00 LESS - does that sink in? LESS than the developer was willing to spend. Sixteen Million dollars.
Kensington signs water-treatment deal for Union Bay
By $curPaper.title
Published: April 21, 2011 05:00 PM
Updated: April 21, 2011 05:395 PM
The Union Bay Improvement District and Kensington Island Properties have reached an agreement that will provide water treatment for the community south of Courtenay.
The UBID board of trustees ratified a Water Treatment Infrastructure Agreement Wednesday at its monthly meeting.
"We're talking about a $1.4-million gift basically to Union Bay," UBID chair Alan de Jersey said. "It is huge news for the community. It's been a long time coming."
Along with KIP, de Jersey credits UBID trustees Dave Godfrey and Denis Royer for making the water agreement happen.
"They were both very instrumental in getting this agreement done," de Jersey said.Godfrey and Royer have both announced they will seek re-election to another three-year term, to be decided at the UBID AGM next Saturday.
A freshwater treatment plant for water coming out of Langley Lake is part of Kensington's plan to develop about 1,000 acres in Union Bay.
KIP vice-president Brian McMahon and the UBID will provide further details at a Monday press conference.
Water deal paves way for Kensington developmentA major obstacle to a start on the giant Kensington Island Properties development at Union Bay has been removed.By Philip Round, Comox Valley Echo May 8, 2012
After more than 13 years of seemingly endless process, a deal agreed Friday means the granting the first building permits is a lot closer.
There still needs to be B.C. Environment Ministry approval for a proposed wastewater treatment plant, but KIP vice-president Brian McMahon said talks on that were progressing well and he hoped for approval of the plans within about three months.
The new agreement on water licensing was "a great step forward," he said, and cleared a big hurdle that had prevented a start on building.
The initial development will include the construction and funding of a new water filtration and treatment plant that KIP had previously offered Union Bay, which will serve all existing properties as well as many new ones.
But McMahon cautioned that getting agreement on water supplies to the first phase of the development had to be coupled with wastewater treatment out; in practical terms, one could not work without the other.
The way forward on water was signaled as Union Bay Improvement District and Comox Valley Regional District finally agreed who should hold the area's two water licences.
The crucial document was signed in front of almost 40 Union Bay landowners Friday afternoon after being ratified unanimously by the UBID board. Earlier in the week, it had been approved by the regional district board.
Under it, UBID gets to keep control of the water licences and physical assets like Langley Lake, the treatment plant and pipelines, at least for now.
It has agreed to transfer the licences and some key supply assets (but not the dam, the lake and the land around it) to the regional district at some future date - but only when it considers the time is right, or sooner if the provincial government compels it to do so.
But, said UBID chair Carol Molstad, there is no precedent for the province to intervene in that way, so the outcome boiled down to UBID having the power in its hands to decide when it would be in the best interests of landowners to request a switch.
That might be, she suggested, when it looked like UBID was going to run out of water to service further new development, or was likely to face insurmountable costs in creating new capacity.
And while that wouldn't be soon, when the time was judged right the two authorities had agreed "to work cooperatively in a timely manner to effect the necessary requirements for a seamless transfer."
A series of conditions has also been agreed for any future transfer to protect the interests of landowners.
For the longer term, the regional district has said it needs to hold the licences, as the province wants it to adopt a coordinated regional water supply strategy for the Comox Valley.
But it has always said acquiring them was not a short-term need - but it sought assurance at some stage it would happen.
Molstad presented the agreement as a win-win for both authorities - but an even bigger one for the wider community, as there were no further local government-related issues to hold up building permits for Kensington.
And that meant KIP could also move forward on its offer to build and donate to the community a new water treatment plant at McLeod Road, serving existing properties as well as up to 250 new ones to be built in early phases of the wider KIP development.
A treatment plant with greater capacity would have to be provided later on land that UBID will need to buy for the purpose, but the water agreement now meant that at least the first 250 properties could be built to KIP's own timetable.
Molstad said there had been an unprecedented level of cooperation and dialogue between UBID and CVRD in negotiating the agreement, and she felt sure that would continue.
"Our board has worked hard to protect the interests of Union Bay stakeholders," she said, acknowledging the help of MLA Don McRae in securing the agreement. "Union Bay is ready to move forward. Now it is up to Kensington."
For the regional district, Area A rural director Bruce Jolliffe said he was "very, very happy that this has worked out."
It had been a rocky process at the start, but in the end an agreement had been reached that worked for both parties, and a mutual understanding had been reached on the issues and the way forward. "We worked collaboratively to resolve this, and we got there," he said.
And regional district board chair Edwin Grieve (Area C) added that better communication had been key to getting over the initial apprehension. A pillar of trust had been built that would be good for both authorities over the longer term.
pround@comoxvalleyecho.comAre you people brain dead or just stupid?
So your government, on your behalf negotiated with the developer to decrease the amount offered by the developer for upgrades to the water system/supply. The upgrades are required in order for the development to proceed.
After weeks and weeks of negotiations in early 2011, your elected representative ensured the community would receive $1,400,000. (One million, four hundred thousand) instead of $17,400,000.00 (Seventeen million, four hundred thousand).
The government the people elected, negotiated for less and then advised the landowners of Union Bay (who now have to finance/make up the shortfall) of the agreement.
These landowners were/are happy about it! They think they're getting................something?
Every developer's dream. Sheeple.
You people are .............fucked up.
Speaking of f***ed up....here's one now. The goof with no spine - is that similar to a sea cucumber?
By Sonny Day
Today · Thanks for your comments Mr. Thorburn.
This is a typical and ongoing situation within Union Bay area where only supporters of this group and it's activities as well as the TAG group are allowed to attend so called "public" meetings. These people don't like to have anybody present who might have opposing views or opinions.
Not only are sea cucumbers "friends of Baynes Sound" they could also create another much needed economic possibility for the area. ·
Typical - just about money.
This is the same goof who thought I owned the Cumberlander and then wanted to know why I was interested in Union Bay matters since I'm no longer a landowner.
Gee, who could Sonny Day be? Let's guess.
I know. Sonny Day is a Dickwad.
Slither and/or waddle along pigbutt.
Message To The Departing Administrator
Would it be possible, before your departure, to have an answer to my correspondence sent August of 2011 asking why I was refused a water connection Oct. 19, 2010?
I understand you were unaware of the refusal to provide service until I advised you in April 2012. I provided you with all correspondence regarding the problem and feel I have been very patient since this is approaching the 2 year anniversary.
While you're at it, could you explain why I received a notice of disconnection in Feb. 2011 due to the non payment of my estranged husband's bill? The reason I'm asking is I couldn't help noticing at the June 2012 UBID meeting, disconnection notices must be approved by the Board.
This policy was not followed and I would like to have an explanation. (Thank you for this information as I was unaware until I attended the June meeting).
Thought I would try this approach since nothing else seems to provide results.
I understand you were unaware of the refusal to provide service until I advised you in April 2012. I provided you with all correspondence regarding the problem and feel I have been very patient since this is approaching the 2 year anniversary.
While you're at it, could you explain why I received a notice of disconnection in Feb. 2011 due to the non payment of my estranged husband's bill? The reason I'm asking is I couldn't help noticing at the June 2012 UBID meeting, disconnection notices must be approved by the Board.
This policy was not followed and I would like to have an explanation. (Thank you for this information as I was unaware until I attended the June meeting).
Thought I would try this approach since nothing else seems to provide results.
Who Will Apply For The Administrator Position?
Will be interesting to see how much TAG is going to pay the next one. Remember Deep Bay comparison. Not a word since TAG (private club) took control of our government. Will all the 'players' in Union Bay be scrambling to get their friends the job?
Say, I couldn't help but notice this individual is looking for work. Quite the resume
Think they'll apply? Spouse has already been spreading the word of the Admin's departure.
Say, I couldn't help but notice this individual is looking for work. Quite the resume
Think they'll apply? Spouse has already been spreading the word of the Admin's departure.
TAG Leaders/Owners Devastated?
Wow, looks like the news of the
Admin leaving has devastated TAG, causing a postponement of the Fires
Services Consultation manipulation. TAG
owners/leaders must be seeing the steady loss of support after exposing
their version of "accountability", "openness", etc.
Who is CD? Ashamed to sign their name. Is that you Darol?
Doesn't this feel familiar? Everything is orchestrated and the community input is sought only when it serves the purpose of deflecting responsibility. Same old, same old.
Who is CD? Ashamed to sign their name. Is that you Darol?
From: CD MolstadDate: July 12,To:Subject: Fire Services ConsultationsPlease disregard the earlier email encouraging you to participate in the Fire Service workshops. These sessions have been postponed by the Board until further notice
Doesn't this feel familiar? Everything is orchestrated and the community input is sought only when it serves the purpose of deflecting responsibility. Same old, same old.