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You Get The Government You Deserve

Does it make sense to elect individuals to manage/operate/oversee our Improvement District without ensuring they understand what is expected of them?

Are we all on the same page regarding the structure of our government and the powers and limitations of those we elect and employ?

Is the community confident the measures in place will prevent any further monies being spent without the authority or knowledge of all five Board Trustees?

Everyone must be aware of the rules governing our elected officials and ensure those rules are being followed consistently.  Is the present Board abiding by the Improvement District Manual, particularly the roles of Chair and Trustee?  Past Boards completely ignored this section and imposed their 'personal version' of "Chair" and interpreted it as 'Dictator'.    This is why your government locked you out. 

Democracy or Dictatorship (masquerading as democracy)?

What do you want?  If you don't tell them, they do whatever they want.

It Has Always Been About The WATER

The future of Union Bay depends on how we protect our water source and supply NOW.

Do not confuse the Water Licence issue the Regional District had with a clause in the Master Development Agreement with Kensington Island Properties which has now been resolved, with the issue I raise regarding the Water Infrastructure Agreement with Kensington Island Properties negotiated by the previous UBID Board (2 excluded and unaware Trustees).

The Water Infrastructure Agreement is the document which must be revisited and negotiated properly.  Challenging this agreement must be done without delay.  An investigator with the Ombudsperson Office has been looking into this since it was reported in April of 2011.  When he was advised of the signing date mere days before the election, his response was: "That gives me cause for concern". 
This is all we have - we can't live without it.  

Reasons For Seeking Trustee Position

What could be more sacred than our water?

I am Mary Reynolds and I am running for Trustee for the Union Bay Improvement District.         

Union Bay has been saddled with a Water Infrastructure Agreement negotiated without public input by the previous Board which illegally locked out the electorate from January 2011 through April 2011.  One of the most important decisions facing Union Bay was made behind closed doors by a non-functioning government consisting of 3 Board members, excluding 2 duly elected trustees from information contrary to the rules of the Improvement District Manual.  This Water Infrastructure Agreement must be revisited.  Union Bay is getting nothing in return for providing our limited water source to a massive development.

I am a strong proponent of democratic principles, and I want our community to benefit and be served fairly, openly and honestly.

The public deserves to be represented by individuals who work for the community and not for political interests.  T.A.G. has done a good job by cleaning up our government and solving problems that were created by past Boards.  But now that T.A.G. has become a political party rather than a watch dog group, I believe our community would be served better by a person with independent ideas.

Please participate in the political process and vote on Saturday, April 21st at UB Community Hall. Ballots issued from 1-2.   Meeting starts at 2 PM.  Registration at 1PM.

Advance Polling on Tuesday, April 10th. from 1 - 7 PM at UB Office.

Contact:  maryreynoldsis@hotmail.com

Yes, It's True - I'm Running For Trustee

Since I'm not a member of any political party or group, I guess I'm Independent.